October 31, 2018

Major study to plug gaps in Indigenous health data

Article featured in the National Indigenous Times: The biggest ever study of health and wellbeing among Indigenous adults will be launched Thursday. Among the data to […]
January 11, 2018

‘Deadly progress’: substantial drop in Indigenous smoking from 2004-2015

NACCHO Aboriginal Health and #Smoking Research Report : ‘Deadly progress’: substantial drop in Indigenous smoking from 2004-2015 A paper led by ANU researcher Associate Professor Ray Lovett […]
January 10, 2018

Proving the link between living on country and improved Indigenous health

Proving the link between being on country and improved Indigenous health First Nations people who spend time on country have better health outcomes. It has been a long-held anecdotal belief of cultural leaders and health […]
November 10, 2017

Window on Indigenous health limited by gaps in data

Window on Indigenous health limited by gaps in data Major gaps in data are impeding the ability of Indigenous communities to gain a clear picture of […]